Sunday, October 22, 2017

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😞 I Don't Feel Good 😞
So I got the crud.  I first thought it was just a head cold, but as time went on, I knew better.  Ugh.  I hate being sick.  It sucks.  Especially when you live alone.  Although my neighbor and another friend offered to bring me stuff if I needed anything.  Fortunately, I had enough creatures of comfort already here so I was good in that department. 

Being that it is a Sunday, my only choice to be seen by a doctor was either the Emergency Room (hell no!) or one of those "walk in " clinics.  One of those clinics is really close to where I currently live.  (Score!)  I went on-line to see what time they opened since I did wake up rather early for a night shifter.  And much to my surprise, I could book my appointment on-line, give them a few particulars about my symptoms, arrive slightly before my chosen time for paperwork stuff and then be seen by the practitioner.  Weird.  But not weird, given today's modern technology and more "face time" with MDs trying to reach out to rural areas and Emergency Departments.'s happening.

We book hotel rooms on-line, buy airplane tickets on-line, and reserve cars on-line.  We Uber, Lyft, Match, Amazon, Netflix, Wal-Mart, complete educational degrees and now book medical appointments on-line.  Is it convenient?  Sure...especially in my particular situation for today.  Question is, how far will this "on-line" stuff go?  Will we become so dependent on on-line services that people will lose more jobs to a computer?  Will we become so dependent on technology that we will become numb to human emotion and interaction?  We could debate about this for eons, but I leave it simple.  And what about those who do not have access to a computer? Or have a smart phone?  What happens to them?  

I was happy that I was able to book my own appointment on short notice and be seen by a practitioner.  And sure enough, I had an infection.  The NP spent plenty of time with me and I didn't feel like I was rushed in and out.  I received a thorough exam for the symptoms, and my prescription was sent electronically to a drug store near by.  The wait time was cut in half compared to the "old days".  I was home by noon with meds in hand and a long nap soon followed.  I really can't complain about that.  But again...still makes me think, how far will this "on-line" stuff go?  Just a thought.  Until next time...elizinashe
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Monday, October 16, 2017

Getting Older

Needing a Peace of Mind
We can't stop the aging process.  It's a natural cycle of life.  I don't necessarily feel old myself, although there are some days that my body tells me different.  Ugh...

I'm relatively healthy.  I eat pretty well aside from a random burger or a pile of Mexican food.  I do have an affinity for sausage and eggs after work though.  I'm pretty sure my LDLs and Triglycerides aren't looking too good these days. Gotta stop that habit. 

Working in the healthcare field sure does make ya think, that's for sure.  I sometimes worry who will be my voice as I age.  Who will take care of me when I can no longer care for myself.  And given the current state of affairs of our healthcare system, how will I pay for it? 

More importantly, my parents are approaching 80 years young.  I am thankful that they are both in good health aside from a couple of normal age related issues.  However, some of those issues do bear a close watch.  And being that my father is living in another state far from me, that worries me quite a bit some days.  How will I know he's okay?  How will I manage his healthcare needs from afar?  How many trips will I need to take to handle his needs? 

My mother lives about 45 minutes from me which is quite close.  But I know there are things that she does not tell me which royally pisses me off.  How can I take care of her needs when she doesn't keep me clued in?  And when the time comes, how will I take care of her needs?  I hope I won't need to find placement for her.  Or my father for that matter.  I hate the idea of either one of them living in a nursing home.  That's just no way to live but I do understand that it is completely necessary in certain situations.   What an ugly side of aging.  Wish I had craploads of money so I can build a couple of "granny pods.  That way I can keep them both close and in a home of their own. 

How will I cope?  How will I know what decisions to make?  Will it be a long process?  Or will they both go quickly and painlessly?  God I hope the latter.  And I hope that I will be emotionally prepared as well.  And what really stresses me out is I will most likely be doing this on my own.  I am the surviving child between my parents.  I have no children of my own, no significant other in my life with no prospects of meeting a good man to be my rock.  Not that I truly need one to survive but it sure would be nice to have another shoulder to rest my worries. 

These are things that run through my head from time to time and I feel like it's been a bit more frequent lately.  It can't be ignored that's for sure.  I will admit it makes me a bit fearful.  And I don't like that feeling.  I wish I would have had enough foresight in my younger days to be more prepared both emotionally and financially.  I wish I would have asked more questions and learned more about planning for your parents future.  I still have time but I feel like it's gonna be a crash course.  Maybe that's the way its supposed to be in my corner of the world.  Who knows.  Time will tell.  Until next time...elizinashe
Let the Fire Inside Guide You