Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Bohemian What?

⚡ Rami Channeling Freddie ⚡
So like many others, I saw the movie "Bohemian Rhapsody".  And yes, it's good.  Really good.  And the guy that plays Freddie ~ Rami Malek ~ was spot on if I must say.

No, I won't give you a whole "run down" of the movie.  Although, the record label was super resistant to releasing the epic "Bohemian Rhapsody" because it was "too long".  However, Freddie being Freddie, found a way to get it out to the airwaves and the fans went nuts for it.  As well as myself back in the day.

I've always loved their songs when I heard them growing up.  And Freddie's voice was hard to forget.  Truly, they were an epic band.  I was bummed all over again after the movie ended because I was reminded that Freddie left this Earth so long ago.  I was sad back in the day when the news came out in the first place.  And still sucks a bit.

My favorite memory of Queen is when I would sneak into my brother's room when he was away with his friends or at school and I would slip Queen's Greatest Hits on cassette, yes...cassette, into his stereo and put on his giant black earphones and lay on the floor, listening to each and every song, every lyric, every note and sing along inside my head and lose myself for an hour or two.  Sometimes I'd listen to it a second time because it was that good.

I somehow inherently knew each song, the lyrics and which song would come next after the last one played.  I remember getting lost in the story of Bohemian Rhapsody and imagining the characters Freddie created in his song, letting my imagination soar with wonder.  There was something about it that I found enthralling.  I think that was one of the very first songs that really impacted me both musically and lyrically as a young kid.  It really caught my attention and still does to this day.

I have no idea if my brother ever knew I would sneak into his room to use his stereo and listen to his Queen album.  If he did, he never said anything about it nor do I have any memory of him telling me to leave his stereo alone.  Other things in his room?  Oh yeah...we had those "Stay out of my room!"  moments.  We were siblings after all.

Long gone is the massive stereo and giant black headphones.  Modern technology has come a long way.  Oh, I can get some modern day headphones alright.  Wireless.  With Queen downloaded on my iTunes.  But there's a part of me that wants the old school way.  There's just something much more special about it regardless of who you are listening too.  Don't ya think?  Until next time...elizinashe
✨ Thanks for the Music Freddie!  ✨

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Tick Tock...

💞 Time Flies!  Make It Count! 💞
And so the countdown begins...

Thanksgiving approaches quickly.  People gearing up for the holiday travel, grocery stores in a mad push to keep the shelves fully stocked for the Thanksgiving feast and commercial stores taping off the checkout aisles for the Black Friday shoppers preying upon those "door buster" deals.  Are you ready?

I'm sure I've been guilty of hitting the Mall in my teenage years on the day after Thanksgiving, mostly likely due to boredom and a need to get away from the family.  I know one year I worked at the Mall so I was required to show up.  Luckily, that was way before the days of opening up at 5AM.  And Thank God for that.  I've never been a morning person to begin with, but sheesh...5AM?  Really?  I'll stay in bed thank you very much. 

As the years have gone by, my Thanksgiving and even Christmas gatherings have been a bit different.  I suppose if I were married and had kids, I'd follow the traditional route, but Life had a different plan for me, and that's okay.  Sometimes the family stuff just gets to be too much.  I like to keep it simple.  But I do miss the days of when it was less emotional and less stressful.  Sometimes I wish I could have the old days back. 

I really hope people take the time to reflect on what's really important this time.  I know my opinion really won't make an impact, but I have never seen the benefit of leaving the dinner table and your family, just so you can go and camp out at some store so you can be one of the very first in line and stampede through the doors of some store with the intention of filling up your cart with all the "door buster" deals that your bank account can handle.  I think it's sad.  What kind of message does that send to our children?  But again, my perspective on the matter will not change anyone's mind.  To each his own. 

As for myself, I will be working.  Hospitals don't close.  My holiday celebrations will be delayed and that's totally okay with me.  I'd rather relax and detox when it's less rushed and less stressed.  Again, I like to keep it simple.  It's so much easier that way. 

As for you my readers, I hope your Thanksgiving holiday plate is filled with love and laughter.  And good food too.  Please do take the time to enjoy every morsel of time with your friends and family.  You won't find that kind of gift at any door buster deal.  Until next time...elizinashe
😋 This Looks Tasty! 😋

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

It's Been a While...

Yup.  That's Me!  Circa 1975
Yep, I'm still here.  Just haven't made much time to write.  It seems last month was filled with troubling thoughts and worry.  Unnecessary worry.  And some necessary.  I know I wasn't the only one who felt that way either.  My friend Kim was going through a very similar process.  Again...I think it's due to all the crap that we absorb on a daily basis regardless of the effort to ignore it all and find ways to decompress. 

However, this month so far has been a brighter note.  I've been getting crafty again.  Been on a bit of a spurt and despite my kitchen table being a Holy wreck due to the said crafty binge, it's made me happy and has helped clear my mind.  Maybe there was a change in the air that lifted our troubles away. 

I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping too.  Don't freak out.   I'm really not one of those people who "gets it all done" and then some.  I'm really good at procrastinating.  So, One:  I don't have kids.  Two:  I really don't buy a whole lot for people.  Three:  My parents are retired and trying to get rid of stuff, not collect it.  My gifts for them are real simple.  And that's enough.  I'll most likely spend more money on shipping the three packages I need to send vs. the total amount of what I spent on everybody.  Oh well..that's how it goes these days. 

Every now and then I find an old treasure from the pile of belongings that my dad brought out last year.  Every now and then it brings me joy.  Every now and then it makes me sad.  But a lot of it reminds me of what a history has been weaved into my life thus far.  I had a pretty good childhood compared to others.  It certainly was hard at times and it was certainly tragic too prior to high school.  But ya know...I think I turned out okay. 

So on this cool and previously rainy as Hell day, or shall I say night at this point, I hope this blog finds you well wherever you may be.  I think every now and then I gain a new reader which makes me happy.  I hope they enjoy my rants, cravings and ramblings.  Maybe they will remember my site and return to read and peruse my entries.  I must say I do have some good ones.  I hope to keep that habit up.  Until next time...elizinashe
And Yup.  That's Me!  Circa 2018