Tuesday, November 13, 2018

It's Been a While...

Yup.  That's Me!  Circa 1975
Yep, I'm still here.  Just haven't made much time to write.  It seems last month was filled with troubling thoughts and worry.  Unnecessary worry.  And some necessary.  I know I wasn't the only one who felt that way either.  My friend Kim was going through a very similar process.  Again...I think it's due to all the crap that we absorb on a daily basis regardless of the effort to ignore it all and find ways to decompress. 

However, this month so far has been a brighter note.  I've been getting crafty again.  Been on a bit of a spurt and despite my kitchen table being a Holy wreck due to the said crafty binge, it's made me happy and has helped clear my mind.  Maybe there was a change in the air that lifted our troubles away. 

I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping too.  Don't freak out.   I'm really not one of those people who "gets it all done" and then some.  I'm really good at procrastinating.  So, One:  I don't have kids.  Two:  I really don't buy a whole lot for people.  Three:  My parents are retired and trying to get rid of stuff, not collect it.  My gifts for them are real simple.  And that's enough.  I'll most likely spend more money on shipping the three packages I need to send vs. the total amount of what I spent on everybody.  Oh well..that's how it goes these days. 

Every now and then I find an old treasure from the pile of belongings that my dad brought out last year.  Every now and then it brings me joy.  Every now and then it makes me sad.  But a lot of it reminds me of what a history has been weaved into my life thus far.  I had a pretty good childhood compared to others.  It certainly was hard at times and it was certainly tragic too prior to high school.  But ya know...I think I turned out okay. 

So on this cool and previously rainy as Hell day, or shall I say night at this point, I hope this blog finds you well wherever you may be.  I think every now and then I gain a new reader which makes me happy.  I hope they enjoy my rants, cravings and ramblings.  Maybe they will remember my site and return to read and peruse my entries.  I must say I do have some good ones.  I hope to keep that habit up.  Until next time...elizinashe
And Yup.  That's Me!  Circa 2018

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