Monday, March 18, 2019

A Late Afternoon Jaunt

I Could Use Some of This
It's a cool but sunny day.  I've pretty much sequestered myself to the house, road testing a new crock pot recipe but my gut tells me that it's not gonna be so wonderful as it seems.  Sigh...I hate kitchen fails.  And the waste.

I'm slowly getting the house back in order.  It's been a mess lately.  I've seriously considered getting a maid to come and clean things up, at least the floors and bathrooms as that is my primary nemesis.  I loathe the vacuum.  And my bathroom sink is not so pretty these days.  What kills me is that cleaning my bathroom really doesn't take that long.  Really.  But alas, I continue to procrastinate.  Ugh...I used to be so good about cleaning in my former life.  What happened to that? 

I'm also gearing up to throw a bunch of shit away.  I really need to spend some time boxing things up and having some sort of sale.  I have plenty of good stuff that I could make a few bucks by selling it.  It's just the process of organizing such a task.  Not my strong suit.  I need a helper.  For real. 

I'm debating about grabbing my fried chicken and mac n cheese fix for dinner at my local Whole Foods.  Yeah...I know...but it's sooo good!  I'm just not excited about my crock pot tonight.  But I felt like since I made the effort in buying the stuff, that I should make it anyway.  Guess my mother is going to get lots of leftovers. 

Hope your Monday is sunny and cheerful.  At least I think it's Monday.  haha...What's your late afternoon like today?  Until next time...elizinashe.
Cheers !

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Rainy Night Bits

Just a Little Scribble for the Night
The weather has changed to the cooler side, with more cold on the way.  And oh's raining.  Again.  Sigh...we've had so much rain lately.  Too much.  And tons of rain this past year.  Sure does delay outdoor plans and yard maintenance.  It's beginning to be a bit much.

I have a silly post to write.  It's been on my mind lately but I just can't seem to focus.  My house is a mess and I am slowly getting things cleaned up.  It all just seems a bit overwhelming and then I just don't want to do it at all.  Not to mention that I don't want to spend all of my off time doing more work.  I do need some fun in my life.  At least the kitchen table is becoming more spacious.  It has been my dumping ground for all unfinished projects.  Including sending a gift card to my neighbor's kid for finishing nursing school in December.  Sheesh!  I feel like I've procrastinated so long on that bit that it's just a moot point.  How long is too long to send a gift?

I have a friend who is mentally ill.  He has not been well lately and I don't know if he ever will return to his baseline as I knew him.  He sent me an ugly and distorted text earlier tonight.  Clearly he thinks I've done something that I have not done at all.  I hope he gets the help that he needs.  I just can't bear the thought of him going through the rest of his life in chaos when I know he has the capability of being one of the most stable and productive people I've ever known.  It truly is sad.  I hope he's safe and warm tonight.  I know he's been homeless before, which was quite shocking when he went through that phase.  It happens so easily.  Truly, no one is immune. 

I have two different sets of friends down in New Orleans for Mardi Gras celebrations.  I know they are all having fun but I do hope the weather down there is more friendly than what we currently have here.  It's just a mopey mess.  Makes ya lazy.  Can't wait to hear about their trip.  And the food.

The crafty bug is creeping up on me.  I've been getting that itch lately and that's a good thing.  I'm gearing up to start another switchplate and I have an idea for a wall thing I want to play with.  I'm having trouble finishing up my latest creation, which was something I've never done before but the perfectionist in me is not happy with the product nor am I coming up with ideas on how to make it better so I will be satisfied.  I think I just may have to put it away for a bit and come back to it later when I'm not so obsessed with making it "perfect".  Ever have moments like that? 

In the meantime...Spring will come soon I hope.  Sunnier days will surely come.  I'm tired of the clouds being so depressed.  haha...until next time...elizinashe
It's a Bit Like This Tonight