Sunday, November 17, 2019

In the Wee Hours....

It's a Mighty Big World Out There
It's late.  And guess what...I'm awake.  Glad I've got this thing called a Blog.  I know I have a few faithful readers, but as for new ones not so sure.  But that doesn't really matter.  It's for me and that's enough.

We had a quick and very cold winter snap this past week.  Sheesh!  Way too early for that shit.  Thankfully we have stabled to some norms.  At least for now.

The holidays are coming quick.  Have you made your list yet?  Do you know what you want to buy for those you do gift?  Cards?  Got enough wrapping paper?  Or are you a gift bag kind of person? 

I keep my gifting short and sweet.  I really don't buy for a whole lot of people.  And it's hard to not repeat themes or send the same shit all the time.  I strive to find local gifts or something simple.  We have plenty already don't ya think?  I'd rather have adventures and wonderful dinners with my loved ones than exchange material things.  I hope others feel the same. 

I keep telling myself I should pick up an extra shift at work.  I'm not desperate for the money, but a little bit of a bonus would be nice.  I have plans...I have household needs.  And that costs money.  I can still do the wanted household needs,  I just want that extra cushion to do so.  But...when it comes time for my time off...I really want it.  Not that I have major plans or anything.  I just need to be away from work.  It's been pretty horrible lately and don't want to burn myself out too quickly.'s a bit of a moral struggle within myself sometimes. 

My previous mental struggles have seemed to drift away.  I'm really glad about that.  Don't freak.  I wasn't suicidal or anything.  Just struggling with worries and memories of the past.  And I allowed that to occupy my mind.  I'm glad I moved through that repetitive anguish.  It certainly drove me a bit nuts. 

So my readers...what's going on in your corner of the world?  Until next time...elizinashe
Take a Moment for Something Like This

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Self Care

Trying To Be Mindful
How do you practice "self care"?  You know, the time spent on doing something that recharges your soul.  The time spent on healing your wounds, decompressing, relieving stress and letting go of your demons? 

Think about it.  Seriously. you really practice "self care"?  Or do you use "time with friends" as your self care?  Because even though that's fulfilling, that is time to orchestrate, plan, meet, dress, bring drinks and eats, or spend money on eats and drinks, be socially appropriate, engage in obligations that you really might not want to indulge, be mindful of your words and socially/politically charged conversations and so on.  Or do you work out?  Yoga?  Read?  Therapy? Over book yourself with social obligations? Are you busy every weekend at the end of your work week?  How do you really feel on Sunday night?  Let's not forget,  Holidays are coming quick.  It will only get more hurried.  And harried. 

So...what do you do to practice "self care"?  Don't get me wrong.  I LOVE my friends.  And I love my time spent with them and adventures explored. taking care of myself?  Sometimes that's a challenge.  And because I feel so obligated to tackle adult duties and responsibilities, sometimes that self care goes on the back burner. 

I have ignored certain interests that normally make me happy because of the said adult responsibilities.  Time management becomes a challenge for me too.  And my work schedule when it begins tends to keep that "self care" further behind due to long stretches of days, or nights in my case, that I must work. 

You can read all the self-help books you can find, you can find all the encouragement that your ears can handle, you can meditate all that you want but what it comes down to is that the self care and self healing is all on you.  You won't find it in a book necessarily.  You won't find it in an inspirational quote.  You won't find it from your friends.  Or in some cases, from your family.  It's all on you.  And that my readers, whoever you may be, is what we need to realize and discover.  And sometimes that is very hard. 

It's been an interesting few months for me lately.  I still struggle with the adult responsibilities and allowing myself the time to do what really makes me happy.  And that is the real kicker.  "Allowing myself" that time.  I keep thinking it would be easier if I had more help in my private world, but then again, I think that would just add more distance in the allowing part.  Perhaps not.  All I know is that I need to begin the self care again.  I think I just got so caught up in my own head that I forgot how important it really is to our journey in Life. 

So again...what do you do to practice "self care"?  Curious minds want to know...until next time...elizinashe
Sunflowers Make Me Happy !