Monday, January 3, 2022

A New Year Already ?

 Happy New Year!  

Hard to imagine it's 2022.  Seems so strange.  I hope it will be a good one. 


I Really Dig Me Some Waites

After an unusually warm December, we finally had our first snow come through during the night.  It was just enough to cover the trees and the car without much hinderance of getting around town. Which brought me much delight as I needed to run errands.  Not much traffic either or panicked shoppers.  Yea! 


So here I sit, relaxing in my messy home listening to Tom Waites while I continue to ignore the vacuum or the clutter of my mother's stuff in the front room that I just have zero motivation to pilfer through.  Maybe a glass of wine will give me the motivation.  haha...


My kitty Squid pretty much lives on his new floofy pillow I found on sale last month.  I really didn't need to spend the extra money but it was one of those things that I just couldn't pass up.  And I'm glad I got it.  He loves it so!  Plus, he looks pretty darn cute on it too.  It's a win win situation for all. 


I hope your New Year brings you much peace and joy.  I'm ready for some positive forward movement.  Aren't you?  Until next time...elizinashe 

Ain't He Cute ?

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