Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Just Some Stuff

How sensitive are you?  I'm not talking about having your feelings easily hurt where you run and cry if someone gives you a dirty look, but the kind of sensitivity to where you feel mentally overloaded in certain situations.  I am one of the latter. 

I've always been easily 'rattled' when I feel like I have too much to do in a day like having to run errands all day and meet 3 or 4 commitments within a certain time frame.  I hate being late for anything so I try and plan ahead but sometimes when I get to that 3rd commitment and still have more errands to tackle I have to stop and take a break.  Sometimes I put that last commitment off until another time or another day.   It's not an issue of being lazy but just an issue of being overwhelmed.  And that's okay.  I've survived this long living that way and I know myself fairly well so I don't think I will endure any long term damage.  Ha-ha....Nursing school certainly put that sensitivity overload to the test.  Ugh.  So glad that's over.  

I accepted a job back in October in a nursing position.  Woo Hoo!!  I was offered a night position within the unit that I have worked on for the last 8 years now which has been a nice transition.  I'm thankful to have a nursing job within my work family and have remained among my mentors, cheerleaders and work friends.  I know who I can go to for help and not worry if I'm being 'fed to the wolves' as some people can be when they have a newbie on the floor.  Working nights has been a slight challenge but I have done it before many, many moons ago and I have yet to spontaneously burst into flames so I think I can survive okay.  Plus, the night shift pay is pretty good and hard to turn down right now especially since I have had to replace my car sooner than later and my student loan payments begin in January.  Sigh....ah, the joys of owing money.

I have a good friend coming in this weekend for a visit.  I'm looking forward to our time together.  We have much catching up to do, mostly on my visitor's side of the fence I guess since there have been some new developments in his life.  Is that too cryptic?  It's going to be a good time regardless.  There will be much eating and drinking across town which is just our style.  Bon Appetite and Salut!  

And just in case you're wondering, here's the link where you can take a self-test to see how 'sensitive' you may or may not be.  Just for giggles.  Cheers!  elizinashe


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