Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Christmas Card That Never Was

 Every year I send Christmas cards to family and friends.  I typically don't send out more than 20 but I still do it the old fashioned way with a handwritten note and stickers all over the envelope.  It's something I really enjoy doing.  Sometimes I've even written a 'Christmas Letter' like many people have done in the past, telling family and friends about their kids accomplishments and family adventures they have have over the past year.  I've done that a couple of times as well, minus my children's bits since I don't have any of my own.  Being that I have quite a year, I felt like doing a Christmas letter this year.  I started it at work late one night with most of my creative juices flowing in the wee hours of the morning.  However, once I got it completed and reviewed, it became more of an epic play-by-play of the entire year which seemed just a bit too much.  Too much is too much.  Being that I haven't done a letter in a very long time, it just seemed a bit too ridiculous so I just went with the plain old card with stickers.  It seemed a bit more time worthy anyway since I had gotten behind.  Maybe I'll publish it here one day for others to read when they're really, really bored.  

Looking back at my blog history, I have posted at least once every month this past year, sometimes twice and maybe a third in there somewhere, I really can't remember.  I'm surprised that I was able to do that while working and going to nursing school the whole time.  I know for a fact that it was a great creative relief for me to do so even though I felt like I didn't have much time to write as often as I had wanted to but it's a small achievement regardless I think.  Who cares about the vacuum when you can blog?  

I really don't have big plans for Christmas this year.  I had already volunteered to work the holiday since I was off for Thanksgiving and we are required to work at least one of those holidays.  I feel like I over did it on Thanksgiving anyway.  Not food wise, just a bunch of people wise.  I'm just not in the mood for another big meal with too many people.  Again, look at previous post about 'sensitive people'.  Haha...I have plans to meet some friends for some sushi tonight which will be just fine.  I may be a bit bored and restless today, but I just don't want to be around a big family style gathering.  The past two weeks, hell, this past month has been one big whirlwind and this chic is tired!  I've made soup, washed the dishes,  finished laundry, ran a quick errand and have already taken a nap.  Ahh.....not a bad way to spend a Christmas Eve, eh?

In the meantime, Merry Christmas to you and may your New Year be blessed with many adventures and good cheer!  Who knows what 2014 will bring?  elizinashe

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