Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Sister Moon

You've Been Mooned
If you're a space and sky geek, tonight is your night.  Not only is it a full moon, but it's the first full moon that coincides with the Summer Solstice.  A "Strawberry Moon" if you will...although it most likely won't be red in color, or even pink, but whatever.  

I know from experience a full moon definitely has it's pull on us earthlings.  And I would assume on Mother Nature as well.  I've been a bit restless and anxious today but just can't seem to get knock out my "to do" list completely as I had hoped.  As for the Mother Nature thing, well let's just say I found some creepy crawly things on the side of my house today that did not make me very happy.  Ew...those buggars will have a very short existence I can guarantee that.  Bleh!  I don't do creepy crawly things.  At all.

I wonder what the beach is like tonight.  The moon sure does have it's effect on the tides, and on a night like this, with the Earth tilting for the Summer, it makes me wonder what kind of waves are crashing about.  Sure do wish I were there.  I could use the getaway.  

You think the wolves are having a field day with this full moon thing?  Or is that just folklore?  Maybe the bats are having a party too.  The vampires must be happy don't ya think?  haha...

Regardless, this restless mind will come to a close for this post, as I just can't seem to gather my thoughts.  I blame it on the moon.  But on a brighter note,  Summer has officially started.  And you know what that means...it's time for ice cream!  Until next time...elizinashe


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