Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Lest We Forget

Let's Bring This Back!
In never ceases to amaze me how stupid people can be.  The lack of common sense has always dumbfounded me too.  I will admit, I am not the brightest crayon in the box, as some would say and I have my moments but I know better than to believe every single stupid ass post, meme, cartoon, quote or some random news link that I see, especially all the shit we see on social media.  Jesus...

What really kills me is that most of the people I see posting such shit are my age or older.  People like me who used the Dewy Decimal system to prove our facts and do our research before we even began to put it on paper.  And yet...they are all too quick to post and share a ridiculous, hateful or false sided quip, quote, meme, news story and so on because they believe it to be true, regardless if they even know the person who created it, shared it, authored it and so on. 

I can't place too much blame on the younger generation because they don't know any better.  They've grown up with Wikipedia.  Which even that site can lead to false documentation as some links allow others to post information.  How do you know if it's true?   Not to mention they, the younger generation, have nothing to compare it too, have any experience, proper guidance plus school curriculums have changed priorities.  I wonder if they even use the library anymore.  Or even know what the Dewy Decimal system is/was or how to use it.  My guess is that they use a library database system.  But still...our younger generation has also been bombarded by "reality television" and poorly monitored social media.  Sad...

With all that said, I think we all could benefit from going back in time, if not for a brief amount of time and use that Dewy Decimal system and check our facts before we start posting shit that has a minimal amount of truth in its roots.  I am so sick of it.  And I am sad for those who keep posting such crap as it makes me wonder what kind of heart and mind do these "friends" really have inside of them. Are they really that quick to judge and/or believe it to be real or true?   So fucking stupid.  How did we ever become like this?  Okay, rant over...until next time.  elizinashe
Think Before You Post!        

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