Sunday, June 13, 2021

A Lazy Sunny Sunday

 I have much to do in the coming days.  Today, I had planned to run up to my mother's house and continue the dumping process.  But alas, I'm just not feeling it today.  I am tired.  I just don't have much motivation.  I just don't want to do anything.  I think I'm allowed to do so. 

Words can hurt.  Why do some people have to be so condescending?  Why do some people have to belittle others just to make themselves feel better?  What happened to them in their Life that shaped them to be so ugly?  Sheesh.  Don't know if I will ever understand that. 

Music is my therapy.  Been listening to a lot lately.  And that's a good thing.  It's a healer for sure.  And I will take all that I can get.  I need some healing today.  Especially on a hot day like today.  Not worth going outside until sunset.  Then it will be much nicer.  

So what's on your Sunday bucket list?  Until next time...elizinashe

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