Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Self Care

Practicing This Today...

 Do you practice "Self Care?".  

Do you know what that really means?  

Taking time just for you. Taking time just to decompress.  Taking time to have a Peace of Mind and do something that brings you back down to Earth.  Do you know what I mean?  

Do you allow yourself such time in our busy lives?  Got kids?  Got a spouse or a partner?  Work?  Have you over extended yourself in all of your activities and volunteering?  

Have you stopped to just rest?  

Although I have been off work the last few days they haven't been happy ones.  Seems like there was something every day that needed tending to and not the fun kind.  It sure did become exhausting.  

I cancelled an appointment I had this afternoon, ran a few necessary errands and came home to rainy skies and a few rumbles of thunder.  I slowly tackled the kitchen and even wrote one of my cousins a letter.  And I pre-ordered a book that another cousin has written.  All the while listening to music and taking all the time I needed. 

 No need to rush around. No deadlines so why be in a hurry?  

I so needed a day like today.  My house is still  a wreck but I made a nice plate of tacos with all the perks and had some chilled wine to wash it all down.  And it was exactly what I needed today. 

Sometimes the only way I can recharge my soul is to hermit, play some tunes and take my time with clearing up the clutter not only in the physical sense but also  in the mental sense.  

You just can't put a price on a day like that~

I hope you know how to take some time for your own Self Care.  It's so important.  

Work beckons this weekend but there is a music show on the calendar for Sunday evening.  Although I know I will be tired a good live music show will certainly perk up my bones and fill my soul.  

And that will be a great way to wrap up my working weekend. 

Until next time...elizinashe

Take Care of You !

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