Sunday, September 9, 2007


I just love this picture. There is something so free about it. It's actually a greeting card, but the picture itself spoke to me. Clearly this couple is having loads of fun but it's a level of unspoken intimacy and laughter that gets me. I hope that when I'm old and gray with my body sagging in places that I don't want it to sag that I will still have a partner in crime by my side who will keep me laughing and challenging me to do new things.
This pretend couple makes me think of real couples that I have known, that when in their presence, you knew that they were truly in love with each other and lived life to its fullest potential. Being around couples like that is infectious. It's attainable I'm sure, but hard to find.
I admire my friends who have found their "other half " as some would say. Relationships are never easy, it takes alot of work I know. But I have seen couples that have such a good balance in each other that it's just amazing. I aspire to have a relationship like that. I hope that one day I can pose for my own greeting card with my "other half" by my side, naked and laughing. :) elizinashe

1 comment:

Lee said...

OMG, how funny is that picture! I love it too!

Keep aspiring....good things will happen!

I miss you! how is school?

love u,