Monday, January 17, 2011


This picture cracks me up. I stole it from a friend who had also stole it from one of his friends. Sometimes thieving can be fun. I'd like to have my own set of these bunnies. I see some online shopping in my future.

Not much else to brag about. Just sloshing through the melting snow these days and getting mentally prepared for the next wave of winter weather because we all know that's it's not over. (sigh.) If I were a rich woman I'd be planning an island vacation right now. Maybe next year. My toes cannot wait for that first warm day so they can be naked again.

Other quick topics for reading pleasure:
  • Hecubus-he's such a good kitty despite the way he treats visitors. He's got it made living with me and he knows it. He's all about the flannel sheets on the bed and has even propped himself amongst the pillows while he buries the rest of his body under the covers when I'm not there. Maybe he's evolving into a human. As I try to fall asleep, Hecubus will get all up into my shoulder area to cuddle and stretch his front paws around my neck and into my hair to keep his paws warm as if I am his personal muffler, while his whiskers tickle my face keeping me awake. That's all fine & dandy but their will come a day when I have my own personal bed warmer/muffler to cuddle with and Hecubus will not be happy about that! Gentlemen be warned! He will protest and make noise as he has done in the past. Funny how pets can be sometimes.
  • The Golden Globes & impending Oscars-I've always liked watching award shows such as these. Even the Grammy Awards which involves music but that's not so surprising if you really know me. I like to see how far the emcee is going to push the monologues and other introductions. I like seeing who's wearing what and live vicariously through the glamor. I've always wanted to throw an Oscar party with my guests dressed up like the stars, serve drinks and snooty appetizers. I think it would be fun to have my guests fill out ballots to vote on who they think will win and have party favors for those who guessed the right winners. I even have a plan to ensure that the nominated movies can be seen first before the big event. Perhaps that can be my creative endeavor for this coming year....
  • Mom & Dad-things have been well. Last year was certainly difficult for both but it seems that my dad is settling into a different life fairly well. He even drove with his brother up to Colorado for my cousins wedding. Why those two opted to drive from the deep heart of Texas where my uncle lives all the way up to the Rockies is beyond me. The drive was very long but I guess it gave them some good bonding time. I'm really glad that my dad went out on this adventure. He still asks me about mom when we talk and I know he still loves her but at least he's moving on in small steps. I guess that's a good thing. I just thankful that he's in a better space.
So that's about it ya'll. What's new in your corner of the world? elizinashe

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snowy Adventures

I woke up Monday morning to about 8 inches of snow in my yard with more snow to continue throughout the day and possibly into Tuesday depending how long this winter storm was to linger. The weathermen had predicted this storm to come through early enough which allowed time to prepare and slam the grocery stores along with every other idiot. I was especially grateful that I was not scheduled to go back to work until Thursday of this week which meant I didn't have to go in early for my shift nor did I have to sleep on the unit when they called a mandatory code for staff to stay. Woo-hoo!

After a nice sleep I got my priorities in order and began some household duties, grocery store items, gas in the car and ice melt on my porch. I was ready. Once Monday came around all I had to do was shower, get dressed and relax. Some people like to go out & play after a big snow and build a snowman. Others drive up the mountain to do some skiing and snowboarding. Brave ones go out & drive around town looking for open restaurants & bars. For me, I just like to hang out at home and play around in my tiny little kitchen cooking up warm, comfort foods and enjoy a really nice meal. (paired with a glass of wine of course.)

So far I've had tomato-zucchini soup (which actually came from Whole Foods) with a turkey sandwich, leftover curry which I did make and last night's fare was a salmon pinwheel with asparagus and some risotto. Tonight is a new recipe to test which I'm pretty excited about. Laugh all you want. Testing out something new in my kitchen has always brought me joy. Yes, I'm a foodie but in a good way. I've got a pot of Lentil Chili simmering away on my little stove and the aroma is warm and comforting in this little house. Can't wait until it's done. Tomorrow will be some good old-fashioned Jambalaya. I already cooked up the anduille yesterday so I'm one step ahead. Yes, I could have made my own snowman in my yard but spending time in my neglected little kitchen has given me more happiness than being outside in the freezing cold. And the beauty of all this cooking is the leftovers which I will happily take to work this weekend and enjoy my self-induced cooking slavery over the last 3 days. I might not be so lucky to be at home for the next snow storm so I plan on enjoying every creation that comes out of my kitchen. Bon Appetite! elizinashe

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Happy New Year!

The ringing in of the new year brings new resolutions, promises to keep, goals to achieve, fresh attitudes and new fears.  I'm not one to make resolutions however I usually make a list of things that I wish to 'happen' or bring into my life for the coming year.  I've decided to adjust my attitude and just let go of the negative crap in my life that seems to infiltrate my being.  Some things I cannot change but I can change the way I handle all that negativity.  It does nothing but bring me down and I'm tired of feeling crappy.  Not that this whole past year was bad but I allow the 'bad chi' to dictate a little too much.  Not anymore.  

Getting back on the exercise wagon is on the agenda as well.  I have a great treadmill that I bought 6 months ago for a whopping $25 that has done nothing but collect dust.  Hmmm.....I hate to dust, therefore maybe I should start using it more so the dust won't have time to settle.  Seems that simple, eh?  I did sign up for some personal training classes this past summer and really enjoyed it for the most part but my budget just would not allow for it so I dropped out.  It was a great outlet and gave me some confidence back that my former body strength hasn't completely gone out the window.  But I still need to get back into the groove of a healthy lifestyle.  I miss being sore from a good workout.  It was proof that I was challenging my body again and burning up the fat and regaining my muscles.  I want that again.  I'd rather complain about how sore I feel than how fat I feel.  

It's so very hard to stick to plans such as this.  Although this is just a sliver of what I hope to accomplish for the year I don't want to lose my motivation.  It's all too easy to fall off the radar and give up.  How many resolutions have you started and completed?  Easy to say, hard to do.  However, if you allow the negativity to bring you down then you will fail.  I think one key is to find your cheerleader to help keep you motivated.  Have a cheerleader to remind you of what your goals are and remind you of how much you are loved.  A little encouragement can go a long way.  My cheerleaders are spread out across the globe but at least I have cheerleaders.  

So my readers, what are some of your goals for 2011?  What do you want to happen for you this year?  Yes, some things you will not be able to change and yes you will get discouraged, however you still have the power to make this year what you want it to be.  2010 pretty much sucked and I'm glad it's gone.  I refuse to allow all things negative and negative people to bring me down.  Bring it on I say and let's get on with it!  elizinashe