Sunday, October 6, 2019

It's a Quiet Sunday

Just a Quick Jaunt
Fall has finally arrived.  We had a twenty degree drop in temperatures yesterday and it has been a welcomed event for me.  Time to slow it some crock pot magic percolating, asparagus to steam and some wine for my nightly indulgence.  It might be a good time to clear off the kitchen table too.  It's a hot mess right now.

The bears have been out and about.  Saw a mamma bear and her cubs on the Parkway on my way into town.  Along with many other on-lookers who stopped to take pictures and video.  I just kept reason to piss off a mamma bear.  I'd rather wish the bears well and be on my way.  Now if I could hug and play with them without getting mauled then that would be a different story. 

Adult duties tomorrow and then a fun event with one of my most special peeps.  Wish the adult stuff could wait.  It really gets to be overwhelming sometimes.  Does it get any easier?  Or do you just come to a point and not worry about it so much?  Maybe both?  I have yet to figure that stuff out.

I just need to take it day by day.  I will worry about the other shit later.  Shifting my focus on the moments of today is all I want to think about.  And that's not a bad thing.  Until next time...elizinashe.
Hello Fall

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