Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sitting in Silence

Embrace the Quiet
Good Morning-at least it's morning to me.

It's a different kind of Sunday.  Quiet, cool, calm...the birds are chirping, the neighborhood is holed up.  The Air BnB's have cleared out.  It all seems pretty peaceful but there is a sadness in the air too. 

Our mountain town is surviving.  Our local restaurants are closed to the public.  Take out only if they are able to offer that.  Hotels empty.  People have cancelled.  And smartly so.  Our service industry people are hurting.  Our healthcare workers are worried.  Not enough supplies to go around.  There's a shortage everywhere, nation wide.  And we have our first confirmed case in our own county as of yesterday.  Two other neighboring counties have confirmed cases as of last week.  And more on the way.  Rumor has it that two of our hospital floors are filled with presumptive Corona patients.  Where are they going to put the rest? 

Never in my life would I have expected to see such a demise.  I thought the 2016 campaign was a nightmare.  I thought the last four years was unbelievable.  Now...I have no words.  I have much anger and fear.  I must have hope.  I must have faith.  I must have patience.  I must...

Even without the pandemic, I had no real plans today.  My local hangout is closed, doing take out.  So no bar fly camaraderie for me.  No local beer to sip while we share stories and bitch about whatever is on our minds.  I worry about my local watering hole.  It's been an anchor of support for me and I hope the business survives this mess.  I hope all of our local business's survive this mess as we have many wonderful eateries.  It's going to be a difficult journey.  I wonder how other countries survive their pandemics.  How did they make it? 

I hope your Sunday is peaceful.  I hope you take some time to sit in Silence and absorb the sights and surroundings around you.  There is comfort to find in all of this.  I have to believe in that.  The Sun will still shine, the flowers will pop out and the trees will still house the creatures around us.  Look for the little things.  It's the only thing we can bank on.  Until next time...elizinashe
More of This Please

1 comment:

Bernie said...

Always looking for the little things. And celebrating them.