Sunday, January 20, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year slighty belated I might add...

The holidays kept me busy as for most people...without school for awhile it was nice to tune up my social life and have some fun. The beauty of it is that I was able to catch up with some old friends and tighten up some good girly friendships that have proved to be a good thing, as my New Year is starting off well and with good support from my girls, near and far. School has started again and it's back to work, study and a little down time. But my down time now is spent doing things outside of my normal habits, therefore "broadening my horizons", which is always good for the soul. I have met some new peoples, reunited with old friends and have been reminded that others look to me for support just as much as I look to others for support when needed. Sometimes I forget that. I have had some wonderful nights talking about guys, relationships, past mistakes, hopes for the future, listening to music, dancing to disco and of course, current stress...that part will never go away. (damn.) But, I am thankful to all of my friends and I'm grateful for the life that I do have, although it is not what I had pictured it to be at this point in my life but hey, that's life isn't it? I hope the New Year continues to keep me on my toes and keep me doing different things to break up the normal stuff when it becomes too boring. January still isn't over but man it feels like it's been a long month already...perhaps that's a good thing. I've had alot of cheers to all of my peeps, near and far. Thank you for all the love and support you've given me this past year...I could not have surpassed my milestones without you. Much love, hugs and kisses...elizinashe.

P.S. I promise one of these days I'll be tired of posting all of my silly nun pics..they're just so much fun for me still...

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