Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Nothing in Particular

Sometimes you get really lucky when it comes to taking pictures. This is one of them.  I took this at my mom's place the evening after my pinning ceremony.  Her Rhododendron bushes are huge.  Almost as tall as I am with lots of blooms.  They certainly were pretty.  I think the biggest shocker for me was I took this shot from my phone vs. my digital camera.  Technology has come a long way.  I'm taking some vacation time next month with camera in tow.  However, with the convenience of smart phones, I wonder if I will even bother with my digital friend or will I just grab my phone and start shooting.  I guess I will cross that bridge when I come to it.  

One of my friends asked me what my 'spirit animal' was.  Hmmm...don't really know. I looked into the meaning of spirit animals a long time ago when I was fascinated with the whole astrology thing, card reading and palmistry.  It seems that we all have some sort of 'other world' guide but as to what my spirit animal is I have no idea.  Apparently it is one you can choose.  I thought it was rooted in the Native American vibe which related a lot of their beliefs in sun, stars and nature.  I always thought it was a bear, or at least that's what my memory serves me when I looked into that stuff many, many moons ago.  I could be wrong.  Maybe that's what I want it to be, thus the bear idea comes to mind.  If I am designated a 'spirit animal', I just hope it's not a mouse. Eeek!  

So the state board countdown has begun.  I've selected my testing date and have basically two and a half weeks to go.  Wish me luck.  It's been hard to stay focused enough to review my preparatory book that I bought back in April.   I've really enjoyed not having any kind of classes and have spent time catching up with friends and household duties that have long been ignored.  However, I have reunited with my study team a few times now pounding out review questions.  I am so thankful for them and have new life-long friends as a result of our schooling torture.  I have awesome new people to claim as a part of my circle of peeps. And that's a good thing.  

And that's all I have folks.  Just another day.  Laundry in the dryer, dishes done, shopping list created and two hours of review completed.  I think it time for a nap.  I've got dinner plans this evening and beverages to consume.  I think my social life is slowly returning after a long hibernation.  Salut!  elizinashe

1 comment:

Bernie said...

I think your spirit animal is a cat ... sleek, graceful, usually independent but not always, part routine part spontaneous, attracted to shiny objects, simultaneously complex and simple. You probably don't puke on mattresses though, do you?