Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Rainy Day Ramblings

I started this post like twelve hours ago.  It was a quiet, rainy, rainy day which had no end. (That is the rain part.)   However, I got a bad case of 'cabin fever' and thus braved the incessant rain and went to the store to pick a few things up.  I almost phoned a friend to see if he wanted to go catch a movie but I chickened out.  Mostly because we never seem to be able to get together so I just didn't want to waste time or get my hopes up.  Plus, I really didn't feel like sitting around...I needed to move.  

So after my shopping excursion I walked around in the mall.  Gag.  At least I was moving.  And I didn't buy anything.  Just wasn't in the mood despite I really need some new clothes and new shoes for the winter.  Next time. 

Word on the internet is that two of the other older Duggar girls are going to be the ones who 'break away' from the family.  If you follow my blog you know I write about this family often, as I find them quite strange due to their strict beliefs and lifestyle.  Both of the 'other older' girls are 'not courting' and have hinted about finding their own way or moving out of the house.  I say 'Go For It!".  Flee ladies, flee!  Go find your life that you want to live and not what your parents expect to you live.  Go to college and live in a dorm.  (Although they may be a little to 'old' for dorm life. ) I say go and explore the world outside of the family.  You won't regret it.  And that's all I have to say about that. 

Speaking of internet buzz, apparently Miley Cyrus has a new dance.  The 'twerking' thing is over and her new dance is called the 'Nay Nay'.  I could care less.  I say 'Nay Nay' to you Miley!   You are a waste of talent and paint a bad picture for your image.  I find it frightening that so many young girls look up to you and mimic your style.  Why don't we have classy ladies anymore like Billy Holiday?  Oh wait, she was a drug addict.  Never mind....

Okay, that's all I have folks.  Well, not really but that's where I will stop.  Haha...Hoping for some sunshine tomorrow!  Twelve plus hours of rain is quite enough!  Until next time....elizinashe

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