Saturday, April 11, 2015

Rediscovered Treasures

What was my Grandmother's Dishes..
I recently collected some of my stored belongings that had lived in my mother's basement for the last 10 plus years and brought them back home to me, now that I have more space.  I knew what I really wanted and was prepared to throw a bunch of shit away, as I no longer need so much crap.  And how does one accumulate so much crap in the first place?  It sure was important to me at one point.  Not so much now.  

My most treasured belongings are family pictures and heirlooms that hold special meaning to me and hold wonderful memories.  It has been such a delight to unearth these long, lost treasures and give them new life again.  It has brought smiling tears to my eyes at I do miss those carefree days I spent with my grandparents in their backyard in a small town not far from where I currently live.  They were wonderful people and I always loved  looking at all the old pictures that were scattered around their little rock farm house and sitting in the backyard eating a big fat meal with my extended family.  Those were good days.  
Love, love, love this one!

I also found a great picture of my grandparents on my father's side of the family that I almost forgotten about.  I never knew my grandfather as he passed away when I was two, so I have no memory of him, but I have fond memories of my grandmother and to see a picture of her in such beauty is something I never really knew.  She was always a conservative widow, wore pants and blouses from an earlier time, necklaces and screw back earrings, as her ears were never pierced, and always had a sixties era type pocketbook.  You know, the short handled squarish kind with a clasp instead of a zipper.  Good stuff.  And she always had fresh home made brownies and sugar cookies upon arrival.  Everything was made from scratch.  Even the ice cream.  I wonder if any grandparents out there today do any of those things?  Or do they do the whole store bought thing?  One thing is for sure, the world has certainly changed.  
Their Wedding Picture 1930s.

I just hope in this day and age of immediate media, texting, Instagram and Facebook that there will some kid out there who had the experience of the little things such as I had experienced and hopefully that will mean more to them as an adult rather than updating their Facebook status.  That is, if Facebook will still be in existence when they get older.  I am certain there will be something bigger and better to impact our young media savvy minds.  As for me, I'm perfectly happy with my old school stuff.  It was pretty good then, and it's still pretty good now.  Until next time....elizinashe

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