Sunday, September 11, 2016

20 Years Ago...

This Never Gets Old...
A good friend of mine sent me a text the other day regarding a bit of an anniversary date in his life.  Twenty years ago he was taking his wedding vows to which he believed at that time was going to be long lasting and settle into a nice comfortable life. had a different plan for him but after many trials, tribulations and adventures, my friend is in a really good place.

So then it made me think, where was I twenty years ago? seems such a lifetime ago.  I was such a different person back then.  I had a live-in boyfriend to which I thought too, he was going to be "my forever", two cats, a really nice apartment and the futuristic hope that I would have kids and a home environment that I wanted to recreate like I had grown up with.

Boy was I wrong.  Twenty years ago I thought I was on the verge of having the life I had always wanted.  The following year, I kicked out the said live-in boyfriend, kept the cats, did a lot of crying and eventually healed my heart.  It was not a good time for me.  But what I can say kicking out that boyfriend was the best thing I could have ever done.  Yes, it was hard but it also gave me a new set of feet , if you will, and I ventured out that summer on a solo vacation without a care in the world.  Not even a hotel reservation!  I just got in the car and drove out to Asheville as I had always wanted to check it out when I was younger as we passed through the city limits on our way to visit family all those years ago.  Now that I was free and single, I could do anything I wanted and I sure as hell did so.  

If These Sandals Could Talk...

The year after I had visited Asheville, I moved here with hopes of making a new life, starting new adventures and getting the hell out of Arkansas and live in the mountains, as I had always known I had wanted to do ever since grade school.  It was something I just had to try, whether it was a success or a complete failure. 

Eighteen years later, with many ups and downs and happy adventures I am still here.  I now have my own house and a better career.  I have some really groovy friends, discovered many a great restaurants, taken some really great vacations, discovered that I really like photography (and sometimes I take some really good pics!), started this blog, gone to many a Dave Matthews Band concerts, seen some really great music at the Orange Peel, worked in a really cool local bar, saw a Russian Ballet and a few performances from our local symphony. 

Downtown Asheville is pretty good here.  Would I have done all these things in Arkansas?  Who knows...I might have had some similar experiences but I feel like taking this huge leap of faith and getting out of my comfort zone to chase a dream was not only the scariest thing I have done, but it was also the best thing I have ever done.  And I think my life is all the richer because of all of that.  I guess I should thank that boyfriend that had broken me.  If it weren't for that, I might not have decided to "get up and go". 

I feel more settled these days.  I'm really quite happy with my little life.  I couldn't imagine living anywhere else.  But who knows?  Life sure has a surprising way of pointing you towards your next adventure.  Wonder where I will be twenty years from now.  Until next time...elizinashe

What will the Future Hold?

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