Monday, May 6, 2019

Slowly But Surely...

Happy Spring !
It's been a beautiful day.  I really can't complain.  The said "to do" list has yet to be completely crossed out but it will become a blank slate eventually.  I'm just taking my time while I can.

I keep telling myself that I could do more when I can't sleep or when I can't find anything to occupy my brain, such as now, but alas...I fail to motivate myself to do so.  That's normal, right?

I have some help coming in the next couple of days to assist with the some of the things on my "to do" list.  It will be a great relief when all that happens.  I just can't do it.  If I manage to de-clutter my counter tops and the kitchen table then that will be a big hurdle for me as those areas tend to be my dumping ground.  I wish I could be more consistent about keeping it all clean and organized but it's not my strong suit.  I think it's hereditary.  At least that's the excuse I'm using.  haha...

In the meantime, I will slowly meander my way into the night.  Perhaps I will chip away at a few things before I crawl into my nest.  Small steps, right?  Until next time...
Channel a Peace of Mind

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