Monday, June 17, 2019

Wide Awake

It's a Bit Like This Tonight
Well, here I surfing and restless.  Sometimes I wish I could be more like the "day walkers" and go to bed before midnight, but alas...I just don't think that's gonna happen. 

As I have said before, I really don't mind working nights.  I think I prefer it actually.  Less drama but sure does mess with your body clock.  At least the only thing I am committed to is a Walmart stockpile and throwing dinner in the crock pot.  I've already scrubbed the toilet so I can scratch that off my list.  Now if I could only remember to scrub my shower.  hahaha...

I have other blog ideas swimming in my head, but tonight just is not the night for that kind of writing as I need to have better focus on my subject.  Tonight is just a rambling stream of thought.

I have discovered a series on Amazon called The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.  I'm catching up on the first season but I will soon be done with that at least by the end of the month and then I can move on.  I can't be one of those people to "binge watch" an entire season in one night.  Sheesh!  I think my eyes would pop out.  However, it is a clever show and the Susie character is a wonderful slap in the face.  I really dig her.  Check it out.  I don't think you will be disappointed.

I sporadically been catching up on the news.  The more I watch, the more I want to ignore it all together.  And the 2020 Election shit is heating up. makes me a bit nervous.  I sure as Hell don't want a repeat of what we currently have in the White House.  It's nothing but a disgrace.  And the level of stupidity and lack of common sense among the people astounds me to no end.  I swear, if it's on social media, then it must be true!  Makes my stomach turn.

On a lighter note, I've had the weekend off and it's been a very welcomed time.  I was ready to be away and recharge my soul by pretty much doing nothing.  Just trying to keep myself in a quiet space as the last few weeks have been chaotic.  I've got a concert planned with my girls next month so that will be my next hoo-ha.  And oh...a group bike ride too with some co-workers.  That should be a nice break too. 

In the meantime, the first day of Summer is fast approaching.  How are you going to celebrate?  Might be a good day for ice cream, eh?  Maybe I should add it to my list.  Until next time...elizinashe
Day into the Night

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