Saturday, June 29, 2019

A Saturday Jaunt

Turn It Up !
Hooray for a weekend off! 

It's rather hot today.  However I have a new heat pump unit so it's pretty chill at my pad.  I've managed to make a couple of errands and picked up my weekly addiction of fried chicken, mac n cheese and some veggies.  The greens will counteract the fattening chicken and the mac, right? least that's how I justify my food choices.

The dishwasher is empty, wine glasses washed, work related coffee containers relieved of their gunk and laundry piled for a future shower.  If I can muster the motivation to pull a few weeds then I will have really accomplished something.'s hot.  And the sun at this point is directly where I need to clean and prune.  That task might have to wait.

I've been perfectly happy to piddle around in my house.  Listening to some music which is a favorite "go to" to keep me occupied and relaxed.  I love music.  Other than coffee, it's pretty much how I start my day.  Forget morning television.  Never been a fan.  Nor do I do afternoon TV.  Not interested.  I even allowed myself to play on my piano which has been ignored for way too long.  I need to dedicate more time to playing.  Adult duties can wait.  Remind me of that, will ya?

I envy those who plan so much ahead of time and is always "on the go" for a night out or a festivity with friends.  I wonder how they do it.  They must have some wicked time management skills.  I know for myself, planning too much or having too many commitments stresses me out.  Way too much over thinking about it all too.

I have been invited to a cook out tomorrow but I think I will pass.  I already have plans for Monday and an all day affair on Tuesday so having three days of "stuff" is a bit too much.  I have a small bucket list of things I would like to do.  I've been getting an itch to start something crafty so that might be a nice alternative too.  It's going to be hot again tomorrow so standing out in the heat really doesn't sound like a lot of fun anyway.  Maybe I will squeeze in a matinee.  Where I can sit my ass in a nice movie recliner and be entertained in the air conditioning.  Doesn't sound like too bad of an idea for a Sunday, eh?

In the meantime, I hope your weekend is a relaxing one.  Monday always comes.  I just hope it arrives slowly.  Until next time...elizinashe
What's In Your Earbud ?

1 comment:

Ton y V said...

Yes, play your piano more!