Saturday, June 1, 2019


Feeling a Bit Like This
This chic is done.  The last two weeks have been busy, anxiety filled and a bit emotionally draining.  I am running on a very low speed this weekend and that's okay.  Once I have a few days of quiet and solitude in my home, I will be back on the mend.

I'm a bit of an empath, so other energies tend to have an effect on me.  Some good, some bad.  And I've had a lot of "heavy energy" around me this past weekend.  And then due to circumstances beyond my control, it was a very quick return to work.  Now I am free until next week.  And Thank God for that, otherwise I'd be in a big pile of zero motivation and very little hope.  Don't freak out yet....I'm good for now.  I just need time to regroup.  I am just tired.  I need to let go of the stressors right now and focus on my own decompression.  I'm throwing it out to the Universe because my brain is done computing. 

I hope the rest of your weekend is refreshing and soul charging.  I plan to sit my ass on the couch, enjoy some pizza and indulge in a nice, cold glass of Pinot Grigio.  I like to aim high.  I'll continue to wave at the pile of laundry that needs to be washed.  I don't think it's ready for a long shower.  haha...Until next time, elizinashe
Weekend Goals

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