Tuesday, December 10, 2019


😋 A Little Cup of Love 😋
You remember the post about "Self Care"?  Did you read it?  Do you practice "self care'?  When was the last time you took time just for you? 

My previous post was a real dialogue. I truly had a meltdown.  Again, I'm good.  I am safe.  It's so important to ask such things to your peeps, or even a stranger these days.  Really and truly. But I'm good.  For real.

Regardless, I've got the kinks worked out.  I took time off tonight away from work so I can regroup.  I gave them 24 hours notice so management could find coverage as I work on a very difficult unit.  And I had no guilt about it.  I had zero guilt about missing work and taking time for me although I could have made it work.  But when it came down to it, I know I just wasn't ready.  I needed time to heal from the previous days.  It was all just too much. 

I am forever grateful to good friends who helped me yesterday afternoon.  I am grateful to my mechanic who always does me right and has done so for 20 + years.  Even if he teases me and tells me my issue is nothing but  a "loose nut" behind the wheel on occasion .  Certainly not yesterday.  I am grateful to a manager reaching out to me to check in and see if I'm okay since I called out for "personal reasons".  Asked if there was anything she could do for me.  How many managers really do that for their employees?  Especially in this day and age. 

I am feeling more grounded.  I am healing.  I am still  learning that despite the circumstances, it will work out.  It takes some work sometimes, but it all "comes out in the wash" as they say.  I think we all could use that reminder don't you?  Until next time...elizinashe
💗 Don't Forget to Take Care of You 💗

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