Thursday, December 5, 2019

Restless Night, Windy Night

Busy Night Brain Tonight
It's a bit chilly down my way but certainly not as cold as it could be and I am quite thankful for that.  The winds have been blowing pretty much all day.  Glad I don't have any tall and scary trees around my home like my previous dwelling.  Sheesh!  That place sure could be nerve racking on windy nights. 

My mind is busy...I'm restless.  I'm tired but not tired.  I'm hungry but not hungry.  I should clean a bit more but I really don't have the motivation.  I hate it.  I wish I could afford a maid.  Christmas is coming and I know it will be here quick.  I'm madly trying to tighten things up.  I need to finish up dad' stuff and ship it off which will cost more than I want to spend.  Why does it cost so much to mail a box these days?  Ugh...

I have movies and shows on my bucket list that I'm pretty sure I can find on my Smart TV or on my Amazon account but I don't want to search for them yet.  I'm afraid I will lose patience in my search and then get bored.  I wish I were more savvy in with my Smart TV capabilities. 

My birthday came and went.  It was a lovely day and it was exactly what I needed and wanted so to speak.  Low key with some friends, shared some soup that I made with other eats and treats.  And I got to play with my friend's dog and that my readers always makes me happy.  I wish I had more time and resources to get one myself.  But alas, my working hours aren't so dog friendly.  Maybe one day...

I know the next few days will be quite busy as work beckons for a long stretch.  It's a love/hate relationship.  I just hope the units will be calm.  I can't stand so much chaos all the time especially around the holidays.  It just makes everything a little bit harder.  I look forward to finishing up my holiday treats, hopefully will succeed in getting some cards out and sail into the New Year on a relaxing note.  Hopefully the coming year will be more joyful and less stressful.  I think we all would welcome that don't ya think?  Until next time...elizinashe
Aiming for Some Peace

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