Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Stuff in My Head

What's Churning in Your Head?
I watched the State of the Union Address tonight.  Thought it went pretty well.  I don't always understand politics nor do I get heavily involved in the process but I do try and keep up with what's important.  I really don't understand why some members of Congress are so blatantly rude when it comes to the President.  Although they may not agree with his attempts to rebuild our Country, We the People are the ones who vote them into office.  Therefore, they best watch how they play with others out there on this big playground called America.  

I really hate to vacuum.  I mean really.  Once I get started I'm fine but it's the getting started part that's the hardest.  I just hate it.  Plain and simple.  I thought maybe it was the type of vacuum itself that I have.  It's a 'Rainbow' which means you kinda have to build it before you use it.  It's a great cleaner, really.  But I just hate it.  Plus, the cord is becoming a bit frayed so that gives me an extra excuse not to use it.  In the meantime, I have a little dirt/dust/pet hair 'picker upper' that has a removable cloth head that you can wash.  That's been my quick 'go to' when the hairballs start rolling around in the corners.  It does a decent job for the short term which is fine by me.  Still hoping for that Cabana boy to show up.  And when he does I will certainly make sure he knows how to use a vacuum cleaner.  haha..

My den/tv area upstairs is nice and roomy.  When I first looked at this place I thought "Wow, I could totally spread out and do some yoga up here".  Not that I'm a big yoga person but I do like to stretch.  I've even had it in my mind to do some yoga when I wake up, especially on the days I go into work at night.  I know it would be a good mind cleaner not to mention get my butt back into some sort of exercise regimen since I have yet to do that as well.  However, I continue to be a bit lazy.  But with the New Year comes new hopes and good intentions that I have yet to channel.  Sorta.   I will say the one yoga DVD I have has emerged from hibernation and is now on my coffee table in hopes of being used.  At least I'm one step closer to making myself bend and stretch in ways that I have not done in many years.  Maybe tomorrow will be the day.  I'll keep ya posted on that good intention.  elizinashe

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