Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Call Me Ms. Cranky Pants

Baby It's Hot Outside! 
Ooo..it's hot.  Granted it is July after all, but man...it's just a bit too hot for me.  And I hate it.  It makes me cranky and irritable.  Especially when I'm running around town trying to tackle all those adult things.  Ugh...when will that end?  Plus, we are smack in the middle of our "busy season" so there are idiots all over the damn road not paying any attention to where they are going or other drivers.  They just go...and then cut in front of you, take up two parking spaces, change lanes suddenly and all that jazz.  Yo, jackass!  It's called a blinker!

Ugh...I really struggle in the summer months cooking and meal planning wise.  It's too hot to cook and my appetite diminishes and nothing sounds appealing.  And then I wait too long to eat, get really, really hungry and then I go out and eat junk.  And as a result, I feel like crap afterwards.  It's a vicious cycle I tell ya.  Where is that pool boy?  Why can't someone else make me dinner and plan my meals?  I don't see how people who live in Florida or hell..Arizona for that matter put up with such hot weather all the damn time.  Especially Arizona.  I don't care if they say it's a "dry heat".  A 110+ degrees is 110+ degrees!  That's too damn hot for me folks!  Bleh!

Needless to say...the evenings bring us summer storms and a slight respite from the day's heat.  Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully I will knock out the rest of my "to do" list as I just couldn't get it all done today like I wanted.  Can I whine some more?  haha...One bonus...I  made a quick trip to the store after dinner for ice cream.  Yep..sure did.  And it was damn good.  This weekend is going to be a doozy.  Our temperatures will be the hottest that we've had so far this season.  I just hope it's a quick one and then we're done with it.  I don't want the rest of our summer to be so stupid hot.  Otherwise, there will be one cranky bitch complaining until no end.  😉  Until next time...
I Need to Be Here! 

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