So I watched the movie Into the Wild a couple of months ago knowing the baseline story. Great movie but it was really hard to watch the ending even though I knew the outcome of the hero. I guess what got me the most was that it was a true story. A real life person. I had to know more. I found a used copy and read it in record time. I remember seeing the book a couple of years ago when it first came out and hesitated to buy it then even though I was curious. I had just put it out of my mind. I remember the movie coming out at our Fine Arts theater last year( maybe before that) but again put it out of my mind. Then a coworker had a copy of the movie this summer and had insisted that I watched it because it was "so good. "And she was right. It was a topic of discussion with many coworkers for a few weeks. I was hooked.
After reading the book and learning more about this young man I wanted to watch the movie again. And once more, I hesitated to rent it and watch it all over again. But tonight I decided to go for it. The movie was no longer available to rent but had been placed on the 'previously rented to buy' shelf. Bingo! Not that owning the movie was my ultimate goal but I do know that this is one story to keep in my collection.
I don't know why I am so attracted to this man's journey and his demise. So many questions still swirl through my head. I want to meet all the people he had come across in his journey and became friends with. I want to see his journal entries that he had written in the books that he read & carried. I want to see more pictures that he took and the self-portraits that he finagled. I want to talk to him and share good conversation. I wanted him to escape that bus and live to tell his tale. I want to know.
I feel terribly for his family. I am sure they have many unanswered questions and have had to live with much grief and guilt. They must have a lot of bravery to allow his story to be told. My heart truly goes out to them. Time doesn't always heal as quickly as we would like.
I don't remember the story itself when it first came out in the press when it all first came about. Maybe it didn't reach my neck of the woods but I was also in college at the time so I had other priorities to attend to other than worldly news. But the resurface of the tale has certainly left an impression on me. Both good and bad I suppose but mostly just amazed. I am certain that wherever Chris McCandless is he has no regrets. elizinashe
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