A French Lady in New York |
Immigration reform and securing our borders is a hot topic political wise. I don't delve into politics much, nor do I like to talk about it among others because it usually ends up everyone being royally pissed off and therefore treating each other differently. However, as I was eating a couple of tacos at a local Mexican restaurant, a few thoughts ran across my mind.
First, we are a nation of immigrants. We used to welcome them with open arms. On some level, we are an immigrant ourselves. Unless, you have Native American ancestors in your bloodline. But seriously, despite that you may have been born in the United States, as well as your parents, grandparents and so on, where did your original family members come from? We are immigrants.
I agree with needing to secure our borders more carefully. And yes, some of our immigrants, illegal or not, are criminals. But what's more important, are those who come to our country seeking a better life are the ones to work their ass off, doing jobs that most of us would not even consider. Those eager and desperate people who come to our country fight hard to educate their children so they don't have to suffer like their own parents have suffered. These people are the ones who have helped shape and mold our country. For better and for worse.
If we had closed our borders all those many, many moons ago and without an Ellis Island, what kind of country would we have? We are a melting pot of many. Irish, Italian, Dutch, Korean, Indian, Polynesian, Japanese, Cuban, French, British, Ethiopian, Peruvian, Canadian, Iranian, Turkish, German, Polish, Czech, Russian and so on and so on....We are immigrants. Without all these different cultures that had blended with the Native peoples that we so snobbishly robbed of their land, ( and you know it happened) what kind of nation would we have? Think about all the wonderful food we have incorporated in our diets and restaurants because of the many who came here brought their heritage. Not to mention traditions and beliefs. And this is all before McDonald's folks. I'm talking about real food. And work ethic. Let's not forget about that. Family? Always a priority. Always.
Looks Like My Kind of Place |
I find it ironic that these very thoughts raced across my mind on this Columbus Day. A day that is recognized that an Italian working for the Catholic Monarchs of Spain "discovered" America. Kinda weird, eh? I wonder what he would think of our country today. Sounds like he started out being a bit of a cultural melting pot himself don't ya think? elizinashe
“Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses yearning to
breathe free, the wretched refuse
of your teeming shore. Send
these, the homeless, tempest-tost
to me. I lift my lamp beside the
golden door! “
Emma Lazarus
Quote inscribed on Ellis Island